Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Sorry, "In a Far Country"

You failed to to really hold my interest.
I have to say, this book started out with promise. Then in got very very slow. To the point where I was just itching for the heroine to do something, do anything, but be trapped in the life she has. The latter part of the book was much better than the beginning and I did like this book once the plot started rolling a bit, mainly for the descriptions of 19th century India. This author has a talent for making you feel like you're there. The main character, Pree, is also rounded out quite well and you feel like she could be someone you know. The other characters, to me, remained mysterious strangers. One in particular, Kai, is someone who Pree loves and runs to when she's in trouble. I was left feeling a little left out...the character of Kai, to me, wasn't really fleshed out enough. You're left wondering what is so special about him and what their history is for her to trust him so much and want to follow him. From what I read in the book they did grow up together, but we come into the story once he is older and more distant.
This is a fairly light read, but I'm not sure I'd pick up another of this author's novels based on this one.

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