Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Million Little Pieces by James Frey

Ok, I sat down with this one last night and read...and read...and kept reading some more. Thank goodness its a Saturday and I could sleep in. This book struck me as strangely familiar - I had a roommate in college dealing with addiction and the relatively short time I spent around her and her support group is going to stick with me for life. The idea that addicts are weak couldn't be farther from the truth. They were some of the bravest, most determined people I've ever met and I recognized the ones I met in some of the characters in this book.
I liked this book. I know there was controversy as to how accurately it really portrays the authors experience. I really feel like all that has nothing to do with the value of the book. The book reads as believable and real, and has a story that is worth being told. I found his writing to be extremely effective. Addiction isn't pretty, so the bare bones style of writing suits the subject.
I'll admit there were times throughout the book when I was finding it a bit over the top. We get that you're angry and tough already! The part where he conciously decides not to argue or fight against other's beliefs in a God or a Higher Power got to me too. I'm sorry, but an integral part of the novel is an argument against the existence of anything but the here and now and the need for self reliance and acceptance. I got the vibe the argument might not be quite over :) He spoke to me though, and like many others I recognized parts of myself in him.
All in all, not my favorite book ever, but definitely one I'll keep on the shelf to read again sometime.

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