Thursday, December 2, 2010

Honesty is the best policy...I think.

Maybe not for your second blog post, but hey, I guess I like to live on the edge. I'm going to try to post an update for whatever I'm reading. No pretending that on our recent trip to the city I ran straight to the classic literature section. Not that I'm adverse to serious literature, but the reality of it is I ran straight to find the latest Fiona Walker.

"love hunt"
Here's what the publicist says:

"The announcement of a grand Treasure Hunt sets hearts aflutter in the Lodes Valley.  The cash is only part of the appeal: a win could solve several romantic dilemmas.
New arrival to the area, Liv has picked up the scent of infidelity; Pixie is in hot pursuit of a wayward lover, while Pheely is spurred into a covert affair – and Jemima, in full cry, reins in her feckless family. Teenager Faith, meanwhile, longs to run her boss to ground – and into bed.
But it is unhappily married Trudy who finds the trail of clues leads her in quite a different direction, and one closer and closer to temptation. Is she chasing a rainbow, or just chasing her own tail?
One treasure hunt, a host of clues…but what is the ultimate prize: a dangerous affair? a distraction from country life? a tantalising seduction? When the hunt reaches its climax, the competitors find they are fighting for the most coveted treasure of all – their own happy ending."

OK, In a normal world this would be the type of book I can't stand. Everyone is sleeping with one another, love will save all, yadda yadda yadda. But the thing is, I find her books funny. And they're set in England. That's worth extra points in my strange little world. No matter how unbelievable the story line, I always end up loving the characters. And...drumroll...there are horses in some of her books! I might as well warn you now...I'm an adult who hasn't grown out of Pretty Pony syndrome. I love horses. And I've been known to buy books just because there's a horse on the cover. Imagine my excitement when I read that Fiona Walker's next book is set in the world of eventing. If you're one of the 99% of people in the world who have no idea what 'eventing' is - it's basically a triathalon for horses and riders. And it's an Olympic sport. Really. I'll leave it at that since I know you probably don't care. But you should care because it's awesome with a capital "A". Awesome. Sorry, that all just slipped out. I will try not to bore you with too many equestrian related stories. I do have a pretty wide range of interests, I promise!
Back to the 'love hunt' book. I liked it. It wasn't my favorite book of hers, but if you're looking for nice light read with some fun and likeable characters it's well worth the read. Perfect for that night once a week when your husband is working night shift and you're all alone and scared to go to sleep in case something terrible is lurking when you turn out the lights. Not that I'd know or anything. I think I'm going to preorder the next one, of course not because it has anything to do with horses...

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