Friday, December 31, 2010

I'm still here...and reading!

What a looooong Christmas this turned out to be. That's the nicest way to describe it. Long in the sense that it seemed like it would never end. It might have something to do with the fact that they started showing all my favorite Christmas movies back in December. It might have something to do with the fact that my significant other had family come from far and wide to visit...and they basically stole his every waking moment. Here's where I explain that hubby is 11 years older than me. Which works out just fine for us, but since he is by far the youngest in his family means his siblings are my parents age, and although nice enough, we just don't have all that much in common. They are very traditional and old fashioned, even for their age group. I am a very nice girl, but unfortunately not in any way traditional. My horses are my children and 'hubby' and I aren't actually married. Just living in sin for the last 6 years :) You can see how disappointed I make them. So, being shy and quiet in addition to being nontraditional, I sit around feeling awkward and out of place and counting the minutes. Times like that I would pay to be one of those outgoing, positive people that have fun no matter what life hands them.
Anyways, I haven't posted much on what I've been reading, because quite honestly I haven't read anything lately that was good enough to recommend or bad enough to warn you away from.

"Horse People" by Michael Korda. I found this one to be slow. I think you'd have to like horses or Michael Korda to get any sort of enjoyment from it.

"Mr Maybe" Jane Green. A nice light read. Bought this from the thrift store and teased my 'hubby' that it's a story about him :) Definite chick lit. Not the best and not the worst. I'd read another from this author because I didn't hate it and it had some funny moments.

"Tongue In Cheek" Fiona Walker. Probably the worst of hers that I've read. Her novels are my guilty pleasure, so obviously I still liked it. But I wouldn't recommend it to anyone but a fan.

"Dark Horses and Black Beauties" Melissa Holbrook Pearson. Not sure about this one. It sort of loosely explores what the attraction is with people and horses. So there is a bit of poetry, a bit of history, and a bit of autobiography. Some of it was interesting, some of it was boring. It was one of those books where I turned the last page and immediately forgot just about everything about the book, except for a vague sense that it was "OK".

Lets hope my next few reads are a little more inspirational or noteworthy than these were. Time for some more serious reads, I think.
Happy New Year!

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